The blog

If a developer won’t build his own website, why would you trust him to build yours?

Built with Jekyll

When I decided to start blogging, I felt that it was responsibility to put as much time and effort into it as I would for a client. I chose Jekyll, a developer-friendly blogging platform and the platform underlying GitHub pages. Jekyll has support for a number of important features out of the box, including SCSS and RSS, and uses the extremely flexible Liquid templating language from the team at Shopify.

Fully responsive

Fully responsive is often synonymous with CSS grids, but grid frameworks only determine how content reflows as screen sizes change. There’s a better way to deliver a premium responsive experience. This site uses three separate stylesheets: All common styles are contained in style.css; mobile-specific styles are contained in mobile.css; desktop-specific styles are likewise in desktop.css. The correct stylesheet is loaded with media breakpoints. This means that both the mobile and desktop views were individually crafted for their target sizes, unlike with CSS grids.

Search Engine Optimized, Social Media Friendly

A website is only valuable so long as it can be found. Every blog post is optimized for both Facebook Open Graph and Twitter cards so that it can be shared effectively. Jekyll Front Matter drives the page metadata and is carefully selected to rank on the first page of search results.

Handwritten JavaScript Components

If you’ve read my article You might not need a dialog library you’ll know that I prefer handwriting simple components. That’s why the modal and carrousel components are all written by hand to be compact and buttery smooth.